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What is Santexpo?

It is a 3-day event dedicated to the health players!

The 56th edition of the event will take place in Paris from May 17th to 19th.

In a context where we are emerging from a pandemic, a global health crisis is taking place and national health systems have been forced to coordinate across national borders. The goal of this event is then to bring together health actors from all over the European continent to reflect on the current and global challenges of the health sector. The theme of this meeting is: "Health – the new frontier for Europe?

900 exhibitors (equipment manufacturers, software editors, suppliers, e-health entrepreneurs, medical device manufacturers, architects, carers, institutional …) will be there. They will welcome the 30,000 professionals (caregivers, experts, decision makers, users and health professionals involved in the management, digital, equipment and construction of health facilities) that are expected.

As part of a mission organized by CQIB via the MedXLab program, we organize a trade mission with 8 Quebec startups and participate in the event, in order to create opportunities on the European market.

Follow us on LinkedIn to make sure you don't miss any details on our trade mission!

Visit the Santexpo website for more details!



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